The Imperial Presidency: From Gitmo to Trump v. US and Back Again by Thomas L. Knapp, Garrison Center
What’s Behind Biden and Harris’s Supreme Court “Reform” Plan? by William F. Shughart, Independent Institute
In Minnesota’s $250M Fraud Scandal, Walz Bowed to Race-hustling Scammers by James Bovard, New York Post
How the CIA Sponsored Terrorist Raids and Then Secretly Murdered 150,000 Cambodian Civilians in Paving the Way for Country’s “Decade of Genocide” by Jeremy Kuzmarov, Covert Action Magazine
Many Asylum Seekers Are Being Expelled, But Not Before Giving Up Their DNA by Melissa del Bosque, Border Chronicle
The U.S. Has Dozens of Secret Bases Across the Middle East. They Keep Getting Attacked. by Nick Turse, The Intercept
Truman’s A-Bomb Announcement Set “Hiroshima Narrative” To This Day by Greg Mitchell, Oppenheimer and the Legacy of His Bomb
Tench Coxe Defends the Structure of the House of Representatives by Mike Maharrey, Tenth Amendment Center