Our Military Is Clashing With Russians While Defending Syrian Oil. Why? by Doug Bandow, American Conservative
Why Both Republicans and Democrats Want Russia to Become the Enemy of Choice by Philip Giraldi , Strategic Culture Foundation
America’s Economic “Comeback” Owes No Thanks to Trump Trade Policies by Daniel Griswold , Mercatus Center
Voicing Refusal to Comply with New Gun Laws Has Historical Precedent by Amy Swearer, Washington Times
Why Did Armen Alchian Have to Teach Economists About Property Rights? by Peter J. Boettke, Library of Economics and Liberty
Iowa Caucus Fiasco: Something New, Or Deja Vu? (video) by Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams, Ron Paul Liberty Report
In Michigan, Where Pot Is Legal, Will Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Take Up Case of Man Serving Decades for a Weed Offense? by Tana Ganeva, The Intercept