The Best Virus Response Is Less Government, Not More by John Tamny, American Institute for Economic Research
NSA Ruling Reminds Us That Sacrificing Civil Liberties in the Name of National Security Is a Bipartisan Impulse by Jacob Sullum, Reason
Mandatory Shortages and Concentrated Pain: What ‘Price Gouging’ Laws Do by Art Carden, Independent Institute
CDC’s Eviction Moratorium Is an Unconstitutional Power Grab by Brad Polumbo, Foundation for Economic Education
Trump is Blasting the Military-Industrial Complex. But He’s One of Its Biggest Boosters. by Jacqueline Feldscher, Politico
Curtis Flowers Will Finally Be Freed. Prosecutorial Misconduct Remains a Problem. by Vangela M. Wade, Washington Post
Modern Monetary Theory Is Bunk And Would Lead To Disaster by Luis Pablo de la Horra, American Conservative
Ending Sanctions on Syria is Meant to Help the Syrian People, not Assad by Steven Simon, Responsible Statecraft