Menthol Cigarette Ban: At Least This Time, Biden’s Racism Won’t Put His Victims in Cages` by Thomas L. Knapp, Garrison Center
Biden Promised Diplomacy. So Why Is He Still Listening to ‘the Blob’? by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies, Foriegn Policy in Focus
Biden’s Plan to Get Out of Afghanistan Risks Repeating the “End” of the War in Iraq by Bonnie Kristian, Insider
A Cheerleader’s Salty Language Gives the Supreme Court a Chance to Bolster the First Amendment by George F. Will, Washington Post
Joe Biden Fought this Destructive Law. 25 Years Later, He Can Help Repeal It. by Radley Balko, Washington Post
Biden’s Promised Withdrawal from Afghanistan by Gareth Porter with Scott Horton, The Scott Horton Show
In Biden’s Pledge to Withdraw from Afghanistan, the Prospect of Turning an Imperial Tide by Stephen Kinzer, Boston Globe