Truman’s A-Bomb Announcement Set “Hiroshima Narrative” To This Day by Greg Mitchell, Oppenheimer and the Legacy of His Bomb
Tench Coxe Defends the Structure of the House of Representatives by Mike Maharrey, Tenth Amendment Center
The Last Survivors Speak. It’s Time to Listen. by Kathleen Kingsbury, W.J. Hennigan and Spencer Cohen, New York Times
Summer of the Draft: What Govt and Think Tanks Are Planning and Why by Edward Hasbrouk, Responsible Statecraft
Kamalaflage: Dems Race to Expunge the Evidence of Harris’ Leftist History by James Bovard, New York Post
Democrats Learned the Wrong Lesson From the Attempted Assassination of President Trump by John R. Lott, Jr., Townhall
A Vietnamese American Reader on the My Lai Massacre and William Calley by Son Trinh, Los Angeles Times