Lost Opportunity: How the Clinton Administration Started a Cold War With a Democratic Russia by Ted Galen Carpenter, Antiwar.com
‘Anti-Democratic and Cowardly’: US Building New Secret Courtroom at Guantánamo by Brett Wilkins, Antiwar.com
Will America’s Military Reckon with the Reckless Murders Perpetuated by Its Drone Wars? by Scott Shackford, Reason
The Pentagon and CIA Have Shaped Thousands of Hollywood Movies Into Super Effective Propaganda by David Swanson, Antiwar.com
In an Acrimonious Time, Some Welcome Fresh Attention to Socrates and the Art of Civilized Arguing by George F. Will, Washington Post
Dems and Media Who Portray Jan. 6 as a Near-Fatal Attack on Democracy Are Absurd by James Bovard, New York Post
The Dumb but Dangerous Tension With Russia Over Ukraine by Ray McGovern with Scott Horton, The Scott Horton Show