U.S. Sanctions on Afghanistan Could Be Deadlier Than 20 Years of War by Mark Weisbrot, Inside Sources
Decriminalizing Drugs, Especially Cannabis, throughout the U.S. by Sophia Godinho Silveira, Washington Post
The Contorted Presidential Records Act Is a Bipartisan Scam to Hide White House Mischief by James Bovard, USA Today
Decriminalization Saves Lives: A Conversation with Travis Lupick by Eleanor J. Bader, LA Review of Books
Hawks Make Little Distinction Between Russia and the Soviet Union by Ted Galen Carpenter, Antiwar.com
State Department Gratuitously Invokes Monroe Doctrine Against Russia by Melvin A. Goodman, Counterpunch
The War Party Wants a New Cold War, and the Money that Comes with It by Ryan McMaken, Mises Institute