The Lesson from Oregon: Drug Decriminalization is a Partial Solution, at Best by Jeffrey Miron, Jonah Karafiol, and Jacob Winter, Libertarian Land
Contrived Scarcity and Antitrust Lawsuits—“It’s Not a Bag, It’s a Birkin” by Jane L. Johnson, Mises Institute
Who You Gonna Call? Ghostbusters and the Chevron Decision by Robert Anthony Peters, Culture of Liberty
De-Regulation, Not Rent Control, is the Right Response to the Housing Crisis by Jeffrey Miron and Jonah Karafiol, Libertarian Land
On Building Human Rights in the Borderlands by Nicole Ramos with Melissa del Bosque, Border Chronicle
How an Obscure Michigan State Professor Who Worked For the CIA Played a Leading Role in Facilitating U.S. Intervention in Vietnam by Jeremy Kuzmarov, Covert Action Magazine
Abu Ghraib Torture Trial Against Virginia-Based Defense Contractor Begins Again by Sanya Mansoor, The Intercept