The Hope in Confronting the Unspeakable (2009) by Jim Douglass, Coalition on Political Assassinations
The Appalling Treatment of a Prisoner at Guantánamo by Cathy Scott-Clark and Adrian Levy, New York Times
Retrospective on the National Security Establishment’s Deep State Coup d’état That Murdered JFK by Charles Burris,
Why ‘Free Trade’ Advocacy Keeps Running Into a Brick Wall by Ryan Swanson, Foundation for Economic Education
Records Reveal Obama Administration’s Secret Campaign to Silence Critic by Ryan Lovelace, Washington Times
The Fakery of the NATO Summit, Continued: Joe Biden’s Fake Press Conference by Michael Tracey, Substack
Punishing a Schoolyard Bully like Vladimir Putin Is Crazy When He’s Got Nuclear Weapons by Linda McQuaig, Toronto Star