You Printed $7 Trillion in 30 Months. What Did you Think Would Happen? by Jon Miltimore, Foundation for Economic Education
The End of World Dollar Hegemony: Turning the USA into Weimar Germany by Patrick Barron, Mises Institute
These Sisters Tried To Start a Business. Police Seized Their Cash and Accused Them of Being Drug Traffickers by C.J. Ciaramella, Reason
Farm Subsidies and Food Stamps Won’t Fix High Grocery Prices. Innovation Will. by Veronique de Rugy, Reason
The FBI’s Transformation, from National Police to Domestic Spy Agency. Part One: “Disruption” by Matt Taibbi, TK News
The Quiet Merger Between Online Platforms and the National Security State Continues by Branko Marcetic, Jacobin
U.S. Government Quietly Declassifies Post-9/11 Interview With Bush and Cheney by Jeremy Scahill, The Intercept
The US Admits Iran Isn’t Building a Nuclear Bomb by Ted Snider with Scott Horton, The Scott Horton Show
Forget the Myths: Here’s How the Cuban Missile Crisis Was Actually Resolved by Andrew Latham, The Hill