Biden’s Union Support Could Get in the Way of His Industrial Policy by Veronique de Rugy, National Review
The US Government Once Called Hiroshima and Nagasaki “Nuclear Tests” by Norman Solomon, Common Dreams
The US Nuked Nagasaki 78 Years Ago Today. “Oppenheimer” Barely Mentions It. by Greg Mitchell, Mother Jones
Pressure On Facebook And White House For Greater Censorship Came From News Media by Alex Gutentag, et. al., Public
A Unique Hiroshima Art Project Centers the Victims of the First Atomic Bombing by Gregory Kulacki, Common Dreams
New Facebook Files Expose Biden Censorship-For-Spying Scheme by Michael Schellengerger, at. al., Public
Local Filmmakers Confront the Militarization of Their Hometown by Melissa del Bosque, Border Chronicle
How U.S. Sugar Protectionism Could Sour Your Halloween and Christmas by George F. Will, Washington Post