The Choice to Bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Dehumanizing the Victims by Linda Pentz Gunter, Counterpunch
Federalist Papers or Anti-Federalist Papers: Which Is the Most Reliable Source for Interpreting the Constitution? by Joe Wolverton, II, Tenth Amendment Center
Pakistan Events Confirm that Washington Prefers Compliant Autocrats Over Feisty Democrats by Ted Galen Carpenter,
AOC’s Call to Deregulate Sunscreen Angers the Left, but It Could Save Lives by Jon Miltimore, Washington Examiner
Thanks to Government, Maui’s Lahaina Fire Became a Deadly Conflagration by Connor O'Keeffe, Mises Institute
Review: Did the Waco Siege Inspire More Violence? Showtime Series Explores the Question by Jacob Sullum, Reason
FEE’s President Emeritus Lawrence Reed to be Honored in Warsaw and Receive Order of Merit by Foundation for Economic Education,