Kill or Capture: The War on Terror and the Soul of the Obama Presidency by Malou Innocent, Cairo Review of Global Affairs
JFK Assassination Redux, Part 1: James DeEugenio on “Destiny Betrayed” by James DeEugenio ,
Fox’s Judge Napolitano Delights Jon Stewart By Proclaiming “I’m in Favor of Open Borders” by Tim Graham, News Busters
Stop Pretending the US Is an Uninvolved, Helpless Party in the Israeli Assault on Gaza by Glenn Greenwald, Guardian
Nobel Laureates Salute Bradley Manning by Desmond Tutu, Mairead Maguire, and Adolfo Perez Esquivel, The Nation
Big Brother, Kill Lists, and Secrecy: What to Expect from Obama’s Second Term by Christian Stork,
What’s the Point of Having Laws Against Torture if They Don’t Apply to the Powerful? by Katherine Gallagher,
Obama Administration Must Account to Congress for Targeted Assassinations by Dennis Kucinich, Guardian