James M. Buchanan, Economic Scholar and Nobel Laureate, Dies at 93 by Robert D. McFadden, New York Times
Must Read — Medea Benjamin’s Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control by Annie Robbins, Mondoweiss.net
Even a Military Judge Recognizes What Many Progressives Denied: Bradley Manning Was Mistreated by Glenn Greenwald, Guardian
The Overlooked Costs of the Permanent War Economy: A Market Process Approach by Thomas K. Duncan and Christopher J. Coyne, Wordpress.com
Communities in the Crosshairs: The Drug War in Guatemala (audio) by Dawn Paley, Free Speech Radio News
Outrage: Texas Women Cavity Searched by Police Over Alleged Marijuana Smell by Russ Belville, Alternet.org
The Magician’s Con: Renewing FISA and the NDAA Under Cover of the Fiscal Cliff Debates by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute
It’s Time to Challenge the Propaganda Regarding Who is Killed by U.S. Drones by Don Hazen, Alternet.org