Foreign Policy and State Surveillance (audio) by Jacob Hornberger with Scott Horton, Scott Horton Show
Snowden Saw What I Saw: Surveillance Criminally Subverting the Constitution by Thomas Drake, Guardian
What Do They Know about You? An Interview with NSA Analyst William Binney by Tim Cavanaugh, Daily Caller
America’s New Normal: Mass Surveillance, Secret Courts and Death to Whistleblowers by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute
How the US Congress Lost the Plot on Secrecy, Surveillance and Accountability by Marcy Wheeler, Guardian
NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden: ‘I Don’t Want to Live in a Society that Does these Sort of Things’ – Video by Glenn Greenwald, Guardian
Guardian Reporter Glenn Greenwald Blasts Calls for Leak Prosecutions (video) by Imatiyaz Delawala, ABC News "This Week"