Officials Refuse to Say in Senate Testimony Whether Cell Site Data Had Ever Been Used to Pinpoint an Individual’s Location by Paul Lewis and Dan Roberts, Guardian
Can Government Really Seize $35,000 with Little Warning? Grocery Owner Sues IRS by Eric D. Lawrence, Detroit Free Press
Secret Cold War Documents Reveal NSA Spied on Senators by Matthew M. Aid and William Burr, Foreign Policy
UK Detention of Reprieve Activist Consistent with NSA’s View of Drone Opponents as ‘Threats’ and ‘Adversaries’ by Glenn Greenwald, Guardian
My Detainment Story or: How I Learned to Stop Feeling Safe in My Own Country and Hate Border Agents (audio) by Sarah Abdurrahman, On the Media
The Empire President: Jeremy Scahill on Obama’s “Neo-Con” Doctrine of Military Force in U.N. Speech (video) by Jeremy Scahill, Democracy Now
America As the World’s Policeman (audio) by Sheldon Richman with Ernest Hancock, Declare Your Independence