Even If Hadi Wants to Stop Using American Drones, I Don’t Think He Has the Power to Do That by Glenn Greenwald with Sadeq Al-Wesabi, Yemen Times
Graphic Adaptation Kickstarts Theologian James Douglass’s JFK Story by Jefferson Morley, JFKfacts.org
Monday Morning Skeptic: NY Times Buries CIA Facts Re Latin American Deaths by Dave Lindorff, Whowhatwhy.com
Time for the Truth about ‘Targeted’ Killings and US Drones’ Civilian Victims by Naureen Shah, Guardian
Who Will Protect You from the Police? The Rise of Government-Sanctioned Home Invasions by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute
Civilian Deaths in Drone Strikes Cited in Report by Declan Walsh and Ihsanullah Tipu Mehsud, New York Times