The JFK Assassination at 60: The Public Knows the Truth – Why Won’t the Media Report It? by David Talbot, The Kennedy Beacon
JFK Facts Podcast: The Creators of “Four Died Trying” by John Kirby and Libby Handros with Jefferson Morley and Larry Schnapf, JFK Facts
“Bastiat’s Theory of Harmony and Disharmony: An Intellectual History by David M. Hart,
JFK Facts Podcast: What the Dallas Doctors Saw by Barbara Shearer with Jefferson Morley and Larry Schnapf, JFK Facts
Haunting Photos from Kent State Made Me Wonder: Where Were the Black Students? by Sandy Banks, Los Angeles Times
A Voice for the Oppressed: John Pilger, Radical Journalist and Documentarian by K.J. Noh, Counterpunch
From Prison, Assange Expresses Regret That WikiLeaks Can No Longer Expose War Crimes by Kevin Gosztola, Dissenter
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken Says Keep the Ukraine War Going so the Military-Industrial Complex can Employ More People by Adam Dick, Ron Paul Institute
President Biden Is Wrong. Military Spending Does Not Produce Wealth by Mihai Macovei, Mises Institute