Religious Leaders Release “Easter Statement” Calling for End to Drug War by Johnny Green, The Weed Blog
Our Cluster-Bomb Congress Plants Legislative Improvised Explosive Devices by James Bovard, Washington Times
Zelda Howell: Why Illegal Immigrants Don’t Wait for Permission (pdf, pages 8-9) by Amy Silvers, Penzey's Spices
Why Are Americans Paying to Be Searched, Spied On, Shot At and Robbed by the Government? by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute
US Land Claims in Bundy Case Based on Lie-Started, Treaty-Violating, Unlawful War on Mexico by Carl Herman,
Charles Barkley Must Read Henry Hazlitt to Understand the Concept of “Tipping” by Andrew Moran, Economic Collapse News
Scott Horton Interviews Jacob Hornberger (audio) by Jacob Horton with Scott Horton, Scott Horton Show