What the U.S. Should Do in Iraq: Stop What Is Counterproductive by Andrew J. Bacevich, Los Angeles Times
Turning America Into a War Zone, Where ‘We the People’ Are the Enemy by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute
Nothing Works in Ferguson. Here’s How to Fix a Police Force – and Punish Cops by Norm Stamper, Guardian
Nation’s True Heroes Fought to Expose, End Torture by Jameel Jaffer and Larry Siems, Stars and Stripes
Libertarians Can Be a Significant Force for Good in U.S. Politics by Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic
US Police Given Billions from Homeland Security for ‘Tactical’ Equipment by Spence Ackerman, Guardian
“This is the Story of Power in this Country”: Ferguson, Institutionalized Racism and the Militarization of Police by Nadia Prupis, Common Dreams