Some Economists Ought to Be Embarrassed by Their Theories by Walter E. Williams, Biloxi-Gulfport Sun-Herald
Former House JFK Murder Prober Alleges CIA “Lied,” Seeks Hidden Records by Andrew Krieg, Justice Integrity Project
Reality of National Security State Trumps “Delusions” of U.S. Democracy by Deirdre Fulton, Common Dreams
The Pernicious “War on Drugs” Is Behind America’s Staggeringly High Female Prison Population by Cliff Weathers, Alternet
The FBI Director’s Evidence Against Encryption Is Pathetic by Dan Froomkin and Natasha Vargas-Cooper, The Intercept
What “Democracy” Really Means in U.S. and New York Times Jargon: Latin America Edition by Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept
Journalist Risen: “Mercenary Class” Now Permanent Fixture in National Security State by Andrea Germanos, Common Dreams