Ethan Nadelmann’s Fiery TEDTalk: What Has the War on Drugs Done to the World? by Sharda Sekaran, Huffington Post
On Media Outlets That Continue to Describe Unknown Drone Victims As “Militants” by Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept
The United States Lost the Cold War (audio) by Jacob Hornberger with Scott Horton, The Scott Horton Show
Hillary Clinton’s Gushing Admiration of War Criminal Henry Kissinger (audio) by Sheldon Richman with Scott Horton, The Scott Horton Show
Congressman Seeks to End Program He Calls ‘More Dangerous’ Than IRS Scandal by Kelsey Harkness, Daily Signal
Congress Is Irrelevant on Mass Surveillance. Here’s What Matters Instead. by Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept