Why Would Anyone Possibly Think that the Republicans Would Ever Fix Anything? by Laurence M. Vance, LewRockwell.com
The Sordid History of the FBI’s Harassment of Martin Luther King Jr., at the Direction of J. Edgar Hoover — and the Pleasure of Lyndon B. Johnson by Roger Stone and Phillip F. Nelson, LewRockwell.com
That Time the FBI Tried to Get MLK to Commit Suicide Before Receiving the Nobel Peace Prize by Nick Gillespie, Reason
Barrett Brown Sentenced to Five Years, Vows to Keep Investigating Government Wrongdoing by Michelle Garcia, The Intercept
Is Bitcoin Truly Decentralized? Yes – and Here Is Why It’s Important by Erik Voorhees, Bitcoin Magazine
The Terrifying Reality Of The US Torture Program And Why It Matters To You by Justin King, Mint Press News
The Dire State of Our Nation (What You Won’t Hear from the Politicians) by John W. Whitehead , Rutherford Institute
The CIA’s Most Important Overseer Is Abetting Its Torture Coverup by Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic
Terrible New Pennsylvania Law Muzzles Speech, Threatens Press Freedom by Radley Balko, Washington Post