America’s Glaring Double Standard on Terror: Why the Tsarnaev Conviction Is Another Black Eye for Gitmo by Marcy Wheeler, Salon
U.S. Military Should Stay Home: America, Not Iran, Is Biggest Threat to Mideast Stability by Doug Bandow, Forbes
Administration Should Speed, Not Slow, Military Withdrawal from Afghanistan by Doug Bandow, Cato Institute
President Zeman Tells Washington That the Czech Republic Is Not an American Protectorate by Paul Craig Roberts,
Stop the Wars on Drugs and Terrorism (audio) by Jacob Hornberger with Scott Horton, The Scott Horton Show
DEA Global Surveillance Dragnet Exposed; Access to Data Likely Continues by Ryan Gallagher, The Intercept
Government Used the Drug War as an Excuse for Mass Surveillance Pre-9/11 by Bonnie Kristian, The Week
Lessons From The Civil War 150 Years Later: U.S. Should Stop Killing People Without Good Reason by Doug Bandow, Forbes