Opponents Of Private Liquor Sales Claim State Monopolies Serve Customers Better by Jacob Sullum, Forbes
Greece, a Reminder that the European Union Was a Terrible Idea to Begin With by George F. Will, Washington Post
Strange Victory: How the US Managed to Make Afghanistan the World’s Top Heroin Exporter by Jack Balkwill, Counterpunch
Slate Writer: Freedom to Thread Eyebrows Will Turn Texas Into ‘Dangerous’ Place by Evan Bernick, Huffington Post
FBI and Comey Find New Bogeyman for Anti-Encryption Arguments: ISIS by Jenn McLaughlin, The Intercept
Leaked Documents Show FBI, DEA and U.S. Army Buying Italian Spyware by Cora Currier and Morgan Marquis-Boire, The Intercept
Federal Reserve Created a Ponzi Scheme (audio) by Murray Sabrin with Jason Burack, Wall St. for Main St.
New SWAT Documents Give Snapshot of Ugly Militarization of U.S. Police by George Joseph, The Intercept
It’s Time to Put a Rein on Civil Asset Forfeiture by Michael Haugen and Hal Stratton, Washington Examiner
These States Let Police Take and Keep Your Stuff Even If You Haven’t Committed a Crime by German Lopez, Vox