It Was the First Time the CIA Overthrew a Government… by Nick Giambruno, Doug Casey's International Man
Torture, Impunity and the American Psychological Association by Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan,
How Socialism Destroyed Puerto Rico, and How Capitalism Can Save It by Peter Schiff, Euro Pacific Capital
For American Psychological Association, National Security Trumped Torture Concerns by Jenna McLaughlin, The Intercept
Next Steps in the Normalization of U.S.-Cuban Relations: Thoughts from the Cuban Five by Marjorie Cohn,
Sanctions Are Not the Key to Iran Deal; Most Cases Show That They Are Brutal and Futile by Jessica Purkiss, Middle East Monitor
Laura Poitras Sues U.S. Government to Find Out Why She Was Repeatedly Stopped at the Border by Jenna McLaughlin, The Intercept
The U.S. Military Once Tested Biological Warfare On The Whole of San Francisco by Josh L. Davis, IFL Science
Man Left Paralyzed After Police Fill Him With Bullet Holes for 8 Ounces of Weed by Matt Agorist,