42 Years Later, Officers Charged for Murder of Defiant Chilean Folk Singer by Sarah Lazare, Common Dreams
Occupational Licensing Rules Benefit Industry Insiders, Hurt Consumers by Jesse Hathaway, Washington Examiner
Panel on Synthetic Drugs and the Drug War (video) by Chris Preble, Ted Galen Carpenter, Eric Sterling, and Jacob Hornberger, Cato Institute
I Have a Life Sentence For a Nonviolent Drug Crime. Clemency Is My Only Hope by Douglas Ray Dunkins Jr., Guardian
Nursing Group Honors Navy Nurse Who Wouldn’t Force-Feed at Guantánamo by Carol Rosenberg, Miami Herald
It Ain’t Over Til It’s Over: America’s Wars Drag on No Matter What Officials Say by Trevor Timm, Guardian
Retired General: Drones Create More Terrorists than They Kill, Iraq War Helped Create ISIS by Murtaza Hussain, The Intercept
The Chattanooga Shootings: Can Attacking Military Sites of a Nation at War Be “Terrorism”? by Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept
Chief Justice Roberts: Same-Sex Marriage Not Constitutionally Protected Because Lochner by David Bernstein, Washington Post