Donald Trump’s “Ban Muslims” Proposal Is Wildly Dangerous But Not Far Outside the U.S. Mainstream by Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept
The Sickening Use of Young People as Confidential Informants in the Drug War by Tony Newman, Drug Policy Alliance
Obama Hints at Renewed Pressure on Encryption, Clinton Waves Off First Amendment by Dan Froomkin, The Intercept
Why the New Boss Is Just Like the Old Boss (audio) by Michael Glennon with Jeff Schechtman, Who.What.Why.
Wilson Perfectly Embodies U.S. Hypocrisy: That’ Why We Should Remember Him by Stephen Kinzer, Politico
The Degradation of Constitutional Protections (audio) by Andrew P. Napolitano with Scott Horton, The Scott Horton Show
The Clash Of New Telcom Technologies: Will It Be Settled In The Private Sector, Or By Government? by Peter Ferrara, Daily Caller
The Top 8 Drug War Stories of 2015 — Could America’s Nightmare Be Coming to an End? by Tony Newman, Alternet
Justifying Encryption and the Ban of Syrians (audio) by Trevor Timm with Scott Horton, The Scott Horton Show
The Drone Program Is Illegal and Immoral (audio) by Marjorie Cohn with Scott Horton, The Scott Horton Show