What Republicans and Democrats Get Wrong about American Manufacturing by Ylan Q. Mui, Washington Post
U.S. Says New Bombing Campaign Against ISIS in Libya Has No “End Point at This Particular Moment” by Alex Emmons, The Intercept
The U.S. Marines Are Flying All Over the Middle East on Secretive Missions by Joseph Trevithick, War Is Boring
The Impeachment of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton (audio) by James Ostrowski with Scott Horton, The Scott Horton Show
Globalization Isn’t Killing Factory Jobs. Trade Is Actually Why Manufacturing Is Up 40%. by Daniel Griswold, Los Angeles Times
Supreme Court Appointments Are a Huge Deal. They Shouldn’t Be. by A. Barton Hinkle, Richmond Times-Dispatch
Intervention Fail: ISIS Makes Bloody Gains in Post ‘Liberation’ Afghanistan by Daniel McAdams, Ron Paul Institute
U.S. Needs Robust Debate on Foreign Policy Choices by Christopher A. Preble and Emma Ashford, Cato Institute