A Vote for Hillary Clinton Is a Vote for War with Russia, China, Others by Bruce Fein, Washington Times
Jill Stein Blasts “Two-Party Cartel” Controlling Presidential Debates by Deirdre Fulton, Common Dreams
Swiss Fear EU Effort to Tighten Gun Control Could Disarm Law-Abiding Citizens by Fox News.com, Fox News World
Investing in Refugees Would Reap Economic Benefits (audio) by Philip Legrain with Hamish Macdonald, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Politicians Lie Openly and Such Behavior Is Excused Because It’s ‘Normal’ by Donald J. Boudreaux, Cafe Hayek
Immigrants Don’t Commit More Crimes. Why Does the Myth Persist? by Bianca E. Bersani and Alex R. Piquero, Los Angeles Times
Operation Condor: A Transnational Criminal Conspiracy, Uncovered by Luz Palmas Zaldua , Open Democracy