Key Democrats, Led by Hillary Clinton, Leave No Doubt that Endless War Is Official U.S. Doctrine by Future of Freedom Foundation October 7, 2014
America’s “Terrorist Academy” in Iraq Produced ISIS Leaders by Future of Freedom Foundation October 7, 2014
Guantánamo’s Controversial Force-Feeding Policies Go on Trial by Future of Freedom Foundation October 7, 2014
Why the Showdown with Islamic Extremists Is the War the Pentagon Was Hoping For by Future of Freedom Foundation October 1, 2014
How They Stole Our Liberties Under the Pretense of Protecting Us by Future of Freedom Foundation September 30, 2014
Gitmo Hunger Strikes Are a Cry for Help. Why Is the US Fighting Back with Secret Torture? by Future of Freedom Foundation September 30, 2014
Take It from an Airport Security Agent: It’s OK to Laugh at Toothpaste Terror Threats by Future of Freedom Foundation September 29, 2014