Adherence to Principle: My Talk to the Tidewater Libertarian Party by Jacob G. Hornberger September 20, 2018 This is a talk delivered on August 18, 2018, by Jacob Hornberger, president of The Future of Freedom Foundation, to the Tidewater, Virginia, Libertarian Party.
A Real Agenda for a Renewal of Free Market Liberalism by Richard M. Ebeling September 20, 2018 To mark its 175th birthday, the highly regarded and widely read British news magazine The Economist published a “manifesto” in its September 15, 2018, issue outlining its agenda for a renewed and relevant political and economic liberalism for the 21st century. But can it restore the liberal ideal at a time when liberalism is under attack from so many ...
Freedom Frauds: Obama’s Forgotten Constitutional Depredations by James Bovard September 19, 2018 Bureaucratic bulldozing? Groping TSA agents? Federal secrecy and aggressive prosecution of journalists? This is the legacy that Obama passed to Trump. Go to the audio podcast. View other episodes of Freedom Frauds.
Suspending the Constitution by John W. Whitehead September 19, 2018 “That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary. There wasn't even any rioting in the streets. People stayed home at night, watching television, looking for some direction. There wasn't even an enemy you could put your finger on.”—Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale We can pretend that the Constitution, which was written to hold the government accountable, ...
The Libertarian Angle: Interventionism and National Security Statism by Future of Freedom Foundation September 18, 2018 FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling are pleased to have as a guest Cato Institute senior fellow Ted Galen Carpenter to discuss foreign policy. Go to the podcast.
Economic Straight Talk: The Contributions of Ludwig von Mises by Richard M. Ebeling September 17, 2018 Economic Straight Talk unmasks the economic fallacies behind many government policies, and explains the benefits from economic freedom — greater individual liberty that increases people’s freedom of choice and widens the free market competition that makes a better world for all of us.
The JFK Assassination, Episode 12 by Jacob G. Hornberger September 14, 2018 In this series of short videos, FFF president Jacob Hornberger summarizes and details the circumstantial evidence pointing toward the U.S. national-security state as the orchestrator of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Watch the entire series. Go to the podcast.
Macro Aggregates Hide the Real Market Processes at Work by Richard M. Ebeling September 13, 2018 For the 12 months that ended in July 2018, price inflation in the United States, as measured by the Consumer Price Index, was 2.9 percent. That is, a basket of goods that cost $100 in July 2017 increased in expense by almost $3 by July 2018. But is this sort of index really all that needs to be emphasized ...
What I Don’t Like About Life in Post-9/11 America by John W. Whitehead September 12, 2018 “A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.”―Edward Abbey, American author Life in a post-9/11 America increasingly feels like an endless free fall down a rabbit hole into a terrifying, dystopian alternative reality in which the citizenry has no rights, the government is no friend to freedom, and everything we ever knew and loved about ...
Mass Incarceration & The Drug War by Future of Freedom Foundation September 12, 2018 The Future of Freedom Foundation, in conjunction with the NAACP of Spelman College, NAACP of Morehouse College, and the Spelhouse National Action Network, are pleased to present "Mass Incarceration & The Drug War" at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. Speakers: Neill Franklin: Executive Director of LEAP Seema Sadanandan: Civil liberties advocate Laurence M. Vance: Policy Advisor ...
Freedom Frauds: Are We All Terrorists 17 Years After 9/11? by James Bovard September 11, 2018 Something wicked this way comes? The War on Terrorism has has turned our country into a surveillance society where everyone is a terrorist. Jim Bovard launches his new video podcast series with this inaugural episode. Go to the audio podcast. View other episodes of Freedom Frauds.
The Libertarian Angle: The Free State Project (video) by Future of Freedom Foundation September 11, 2018 What is The Free State Project? Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling welcome FSP founder Jason Sorens. Go to the podcast.