A Video Message from Jacob Hornberger by Jacob G. Hornberger December 20, 2018 Please consider including The Future of Freedom Foundation in your end-of-year giving. You can make a tax-deductible donation here. Please also read FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger’s “Let’s Strive for Liberty.”
Trump Is Right to Withdraw Troops from Syria by Danny Sjursen December 20, 2018 If Afghanistan is America’s longest war, and Iraq it’s dumbest, well then Syria must rank as the nation’s forgotten, and, potentially most treacherous war. Only you’d never know it. The big three television news networks hardly mention the U.S. military’s continued involvement there and national newspapers relegate the Syrian campaign to the deep recesses of their foreign policy sections. ...
No One Should Receive Federal Grants for College by Laurence M. Vance December 20, 2018 Until 1994, inmates in federal and state prisons were eligible to receive federal Pell Grants to finance their college education while they served their time. A pilot program, Second Chance Pell, was instituted in 2015 to open up Pell Grants to a select group of inmates working towards their college degrees. According to a recent NPR ...
The Brexit Dilemma: Markets or Politics? by Richard M. Ebeling December 19, 2018 For more than two years now, the United Kingdom and the European Union have been in a crisis mode over how and under what terms the U.K. will leave the EU, following the June 2016 referendum on Britain’s formal departure from the Europe-wide organization. The end of March 2019 marks the deadline for the U.K.’s withdrawal from the European ...
A Video Message from Richard Ebeling by Richard M. Ebeling December 19, 2018 This message was taken from a recent of edition of "The Libertarian Angle." Please consider including The Future of Freedom Foundation in your end-of-year giving. You can make a tax-deductible donation here. Please also read FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger's "Let's Strive for Liberty."
Freedom Frauds: Peace on Earth from a One-Season Santa by James Bovard December 19, 2018 Happy Festivus from Jim Bovard! Jim celebrates with a cheap cigar and a beer. But what beer should he drink? Go to the audio podcast.
The Libertarian Angle: The Joke of Shutting Down the Government by Future of Freedom Foundation December 18, 2018 What does shutting down the government mean, if anything? Not much. Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss. Go to the podcast.
The JFK Assassination, Episode 24 by Jacob G. Hornberger December 14, 2018 In this series of short videos, FFF president Jacob Hornberger summarizes and details the circumstantial evidence pointing toward the U.S. national-security state as the orchestrator of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Watch the entire series. Go to the podcast.
Beyond GDP to a New Road to Serfdom by Richard M. Ebeling December 14, 2018 It is a commonplace that there is more to life than money and the material benefits that it may provide someone. We often make trade-offs between income-earning work opportunities and more time with family or friends, or between risky but well-paying employment and a calmer and less stressful job that does not pay as well. We might decide whether ...
Who Is the Most Qualified to Be President? by Laurence M. Vance December 13, 2018 Perhaps it was just a coincidence. George H.W. Bush, the 41st president of the United States, died at his home on Saturday, November 30, age 94. Just three days later, on Monday, December 3, Joseph “Joe” R. Biden, the nation’s 47th vice president, said he believed that he was the “most qualified person” to be the president of the United ...
Focus on Freedom: Open the Borders by Catherine Bleish December 13, 2018 Catherine Bleish applies the non-aggression principle to the movement of people.
The Libertarian Angle: Charity vs. Welfare by Future of Freedom Foundation December 12, 2018 What is the difference between welfare and charity? When charity is compulsory, is it truly charity? What is the difference between compulsory charity and theft? FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss. Go to the podcast.