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Daily Articles

Asking the Wrong Question about Marijuana

Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby recently announced that her office will no longer prosecute any marijuana possession cases “because prosecuting these cases no public safety value, disproportionately impacts communities of color and erodes public trust, and is a costly and counterproductive use of limited resources.” “We need to get serious about prioritizing what actually makes us ...

Washington’s Biggest Fairy Tale: “Truth Will Out”

The arrest of Julian Assange has produced rapturous cheering from the American political elite. Hillary Clinton declared that Assange “must answer for what he has done.” Unfortunately, Assange’s arrest will do nothing to prevent the vast majority of conniving politicians and bureaucrats from paying no price for deceiving the American public. “Truth will out” is a phrase that is routinely ...

Abolish the Welfare State to Solve the National Debt Crisis

Why is it so difficult to win the case for freedom in modern American society? A variety of possible answers come to mind. The collectivists are more effective in appealing to people’s emotions. The interventionist-welfare-statist argument is easier to make than it is to follow the logical chains of reasoning required to make the free-market case. Socialist-leaning teachers and ...