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Daily Articles

And They’re Gone! The Obscenity Of Dr. Fauci’s Jobs-Mageddon

Yes, they are.....gone. We are referring, of course, to all of the jobs created not only since the Great Recession bottom, but during the entire 21st century to date! That’s right. The 20.5 million jobs plunge reported for April essentially wiped out the “strong labor market” brouhaha of the 244 “Jobs Friday” reports since January 2000. In fact, the 131.072 million nonfarm ...

The Profitability of Amtrak Is Not the Issue

In addition to the federal government’s departments, such as Energy, Interior, and Education; and independent agencies, such as the CIA, FCC, and EPA; there exist government quasi-corporations, such as the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). What most Americans who take a train ride across the country probably don’t ...