Book Review: Dismantling Utopia by Richard M. Ebeling February 1, 1995 Dismantling Utopia: How Information Ended the Soviet Union by Scott Shane (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1994); 324 pages; $25.00. Ten years ago, on March 11, 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in the Soviet Union as General Secretary of the Communist Party. While great attention was given to Gorbachev's youthful 54 years of age in comparison to the other Soviet leaders ...
The Payoff Society by Jacob G. Hornberger January 1, 1995 Last November, The Washington Times published an editorial by Marilyn Quayle entitled "Americans are Demanding Relief from Overzealous Regulators." Ms. Quayle pointed out: "To comply with federal regulations alone costs between $300 and $500 billion a year, or $4,000 to $6,000 for every working man and woman in America. ...
The Future of Freedom Retrospect and Prospects, Part 3 by Richard M. Ebeling January 1, 1995 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Jacob Hornberger and I first met in Dallas, Texas, in 1984. I had recently taken a position as an assistant professor of economics at the University of Dallas. He was practicing law. Acting on the advice of one of my colleagues in the economics department, Jacob asked me if I ...
The Right to Self-Treatment by Sheldon Richman January 1, 1995 Over the last year or so, much has been said about the right to health care. The advocates of government management of the health-care system believe that everyone should be able to obtain the services of doctors and related practitioners regardless of ability to pay. That is what has fueled the push by the ...
Individualism and the Free Society, Part 2 by Nathaniel Branden January 1, 1995 Part 1 | Part 2 It was the United States of America, with its system of limited, constitutional government, that implemented the principle of capitalism-a free trade on a free market-to the greatest extent. In America, during the nineteenth century people's productive activities were for the most part left free of governmental regulations, controls, and restrictions; most thinkers ...
Book Review: Race and Culture by Richard M. Ebeling January 1, 1995 Race and Culture: A World View by Thomas Sowell (New York: Basic Books, 1994); 331 pages; $25.00. Through most of history, since before the time of Aristotle, slavery has been considered a natural institution in human society. Indeed, Aristotle believed that some men were born to be slaves, just as others were ...
The Religious Right by Jacob G. Hornberger December 1, 1994 Sixty years ago, there occurred one of the most monumental revolutions in history. It was a revolution that shook the very foundations of American society. For 150 years, the American people subscribed to a fundamental moral principle with respect to the role of government in their lives: Government shall never be ...
The Future of Freedom-Retrospect and Prospects, Part 2 by Richard M. Ebeling December 1, 1994 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 In spite of the demise of totalitarian collectivism, the world is still enveloped by the ideology of socialism. When Ludwig von Mises began his treatise Socialism in 1922 with the observation: "Socialism is the watchword of the day. The socialist ...
The New, New Left by Rev. Robert A. Sirico December 1, 1994 The anticapitalist Left has devised a new intellectual attack on the market economy. The straw in the wind was a blistering article in The New York Times that appeared on May 8, 1994. The article, written by Peter Passell, was headlined "Life's Hard? Blame the Market." Like other attacks on market fundamentals, it complains about unequal income distribution. ...
A Catholic Refuses Government Funds by Margaret Mathers December 1, 1994 From 1984 to 1993, I was director of Catholic Charities for San Juan County, New Mexico. A situation existed which has caused me to do some soul-searching and to reach a conclusion that was not popular. I was criticized — with varying degrees of contempt — for my refusal to accept government funding (FEMA funds, for example) for the agency ...
Taxation by Jim Russell December 1, 1994 Like many who consider themselves libertarians, I have concluded that taxation, in any form for any purpose, is theft. I agree with the nineteenth-century economist Frederic Bastiat, who called it legal plunder. It ought to be abolished. When I state my position on this matter to others not versed in libertarianism, they invariably jump to the conclusion that I am ...
Christian Charity versus Government Welfare by Thomas L. Johnson December 1, 1994 The idea that government-sponsored welfare programs to assist the needy are compatible with, and justified by, Christian philosophy is probably the most widespread erroneous belief that permeates American society, and is hastening the destruction of freedom in the United States. This tragic flaw in the thinking of both well-educated and uneducated Christians has already brought misery to millions, and ...