U.S. Acts of Terrorism by Jacob G. Hornberger November 1, 1999 "The U.S. government is warning American citizens to beware of "terrorist" attacks all over the world, including the U.S. Our government has attacked and bombed people in Iraq, Serbia, Panama, Haiti, Somalia, and many others. Today, we have embargoes against Cuba and Iraq, which are creating misery and death for innocent ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “The Tragedy of Elian” by Jacob G. Hornberger November 1, 1999 "Fidel Castro has upped the ante by demanding the return of a 5-year-old Cuban boy to his Cuban father. The boy's mother and stepfather and nine others were drowned when their boat sank after they escaped from Cuba. The U.S. Coast Guard captured the boy as he clung to an inner tube ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “FDA Tyranny” by Andy Falkof November 1, 1999 "The Food and Drug Administration is contemplating whether to allow Cygnus, Inc. to market its new product, GlucoWatch, which can measure a diabetic's glucose level without having to draw blood. Its an innovation that enables more frequent and less painful checking. GlucoWatch is not 100% accurate under certain conditions, and the ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Education Down the Barrel of a Gun” by Jacob G. Hornberger November 1, 1999 "Detroit parents whose children have been playing hooky from school were summoned to the office of state prosecutors and threatened with 90 days in jail. In Brewton, Pennsylvania, ten parents were indicted for their children's truancy, and one served 60 days in jail. In Brewton, Tennessee, two mothers had to serve ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Campaign Finance Reform” by Andy Falkof November 1, 1999 "Last night's Republican debate included a sparring session between Bush and McCain regarding campaign-finance reform. McCain wants to see a dramatic reduction in soft money contributions, while Bush sees this as a political error that would hurt the Republican Party. McCain rightfully believes that special interests play a large role in ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “ATF Largess” by Jacob G. Hornberger November 1, 1999 "Washington, DC, officials are ecstatic over plans by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) to build a brand new (taxpayer-funded) $120 million building in the district. Officials claim that the new building, which will house 1,000 ATF employees, will attract new development to the neighborhood. Only in Washington, DC, ...
Mr. Bush Flunked on Purpose by Sheldon Richman November 1, 1999 I think George W. Bush hoodwinked us. When he said he couldn't name the leaders of Chechnya, Pakistan, and India, I believed him. I thought he really didn't know. I took that as a good sign. But now I suspect he was just playing ignorant, and I'm disappointed. Why would ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “The Spineless Revolution” by Jacob G. Hornberger November 1, 1999 "Just in case you still had hope in the Republican 'revolution,' give it up. Discretionary spending under the new federal budget is expected to increase 5.8 percent over last year. Remember that big, bad Department of Education that Republicans were going to abolish once voters would give them control of Congress? ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Monopoly Mindset” by Jacob G. Hornberger November 1, 1999 "With gleeful smiles on their faces, Justice Department lawyers posed for photographers after Federal Judge Thomas Jackson's ruling against Microsoft. The judge bought Justice's arguments that Microsoft is a "monopoly" because it has grown too big in the process of satisfying consumer wants. What nonsense! The prosecution and persecution of Microsoft reflects ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Hate Crimes” by Andy Falkof November 1, 1999 "The Supreme Court has agreed to rule whether a person who commits a hate crime can be sentenced more severely than a person who commits the same crime but with different motives. While hate crimes are repugnant given the thoughts that fuel them, hate-crime legislation itself is offensive. A person should ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Government, Freedom, and Art” by Andy Falkof November 1, 1999 "A federal judge ruled that New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani violated the First Amendment when he cut funding for the Brooklyn Museum of Art after it displayed a painting that he found offensive. But isn't the issue one of private property rather ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Freedom in Education” by Andy Falkof November 1, 1999 "Jefferson County, Colorado, which includes Littleton, narrowly voted for a $45 million property-tax increase to improve student performance in county schools. The goal is to increase reading and math scores by 25% over a five-year period. While pouring more tax money into schools may make voters feel good, the link between ...