Government Equals Force by James Bovard March 1, 2000 Occasionally throughout the 20th century, commentators have clearly recognized the coercive nature of government. British political scientist Harold Laski wrote in 1935: "At any critical moment in the history of a State the fact that its authority depends upon the power to coerce the opponents of the government, to break their wills, to compel them to submission, emerges as the ...
The Contagious Disease Acts by Wendy McElroy March 1, 2000 The Contagious Disease Acts (1860s) in Britain occasioned "the western world's first feminine revolt of any stature." So wrote historian Michael Pearson in his book The Age of Consent: Victorian Prostitution and Its Enemies. The revolt was for sexual equality and against a double standard in the law. The 20-year crusade against the C.D. Acts was led by a ...
Count Me Out by Sheldon Richman March 1, 2000 I got a letter from my friendly federal government the other day. It notified me that in about a week I will be mailed my U.S. Census 2000 form. Why they didn't just send the form instead of the notice, I can't fathom. But that's the least of it.
Lance Armstrong – Going Postal by Max Schulz March 1, 2000 Lance Armstrong touched the hearts of people all over the world when he took his victory laps on the Champs Élysées after winning the famed Tour de France bicycle race last summer. Just three years ago, Lance was diagnosed with cancer. It looked as if he might not live. Incredibly, Lance ...
Book Review: Business Ethics by Richard M. Ebeling March 1, 2000 Business Ethics by Norman Barry (West Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue University Press, 2000); 191 pages; $14.95. It is rarely appreciated how much the market economy has contributed to the growth of civilization and rules of good behavior among the members of society. For example, Adam Smith pointed out more than 200 hundred years ago: "When commerce is introduced into any country, probity and ...
Ask Not by Sheldon Richman February 2, 2000 John McCain tells people he is the one presidential hopeful "who can inspire young people to commit themselves to causes greater than their own self-interest." I will resist wondering whether the cause McCain has in mind is, well, McCain. No doubt this standard line of McCain's is regarded as mere boilerplate, a trademark slogan no ...
Lessons from Austria … and Germany by Jacob G. Hornberger February 2, 2000 Austrian Joerg Haider and his Freedom Party are causing waves of anxiety throughout the European Union as well as the U.S. State Department. Government officials on both sides of the Atlantic are expressing dismay at Haider's political and economic views. The controversy provides valuable lessons for the American people. Officials are upset over Haider's position on ...
Terrorism, War, and Crises by Jacob G. Hornberger February 1, 2000 The American people survived the threat of terrorist attacks during the millennial celebrations. But fear was definitely in the air. Seattle canceled its celebration after a man was arrested at the Canadian border with bomb-making materials. New York City sealed its manhole covers in Times Square and flooded the streets with cops. Throughout December, the television talk shows featured ...
Monetary Central Planning and the State, Part 38: Free Banking and the Coordination of Savings and Investment by Richard M. Ebeling February 1, 2000 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 ...
ATM Tyranny by Sheldon Richman February 1, 2000 Some years ago, when gas stations began replacing free air pumps with coin operated models, some motorists objected. "But air is free," one protested. To which a gas station owner replied, "Fine; blow the tire up yourself." I'm reminded of that story by the current flap over fees for ATMs. Here's a controversy tailored-made for demagogic political leaders looking for ...
Crack Down in the War on Drugs … or End It? by Jacob G. Hornberger February 1, 2000 In a proposal termed SABRE (Substance Abuse Resistance Effort), Virginia Republican governor James Gilmore III is asking the Virginia legislature to get tough in the state's war on drugs. The governor's proposals include harsher penalties for drug users and drug sellers. No one, including Governor Gilmore, would argue that the decades-long ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Voluntary Taxes?” by Jacob G. Hornberger February 1, 2000 "Wanting to crack down even more on American taxpayers, the IRS is asking for a budget increase. Last Sunday's New York Times reported that President Clinton is proposing a 9% increase (which would be the agency's largest budget increase in 13 years) and that Congressional Republicans like the idea. After all, ...