Crack Down in the War on Drugs … or End It? by Jacob G. Hornberger February 1, 2000 In a proposal termed SABRE (Substance Abuse Resistance Effort), Virginia Republican governor James Gilmore III is asking the Virginia legislature to get tough in the state's war on drugs. The governor's proposals include harsher penalties for drug users and drug sellers. No one, including Governor Gilmore, would argue that the decades-long ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Voluntary Taxes?” by Jacob G. Hornberger February 1, 2000 "Wanting to crack down even more on American taxpayers, the IRS is asking for a budget increase. Last Sunday's New York Times reported that President Clinton is proposing a 9% increase (which would be the agency's largest budget increase in 13 years) and that Congressional Republicans like the idea. After all, ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Political Bribery” by Jacob G. Hornberger February 1, 2000 "Bribery is considered a crime, but not during presidential elections. Every four years, we are treated to the spectacle of political bribery by Republican and Democratic presidential candidates. The Republican candidates always offer people income-tax reductions in return for their votes. Yet, everyone knows it'll never happen; after all, ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Pitfalls of Public Education” by Andy Falkof February 1, 2000 "Every year, new studies depict the latest problems and victims in public schooling. 'Boys shout out the answers and misbehave, requiring most of the teacher's attention! Therefore, girls needs are shortchanged in a school setting.' 'Ninety percent of elementary school teachers are women. Moreover, learning by doing is often ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Internet Autonomy” by Andy Falkof February 1, 2000 "As part of National Consumer Protection Week, the Federal Trade Commission has launched a campaign to protect bidders in online auctions. The FTC issued a report highlighting 35 instances of fraud and has arranged a program in which customers on eBay, the largest Internet auction site, may report fraud ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Federally Mandated Religion” by Jacob G. Hornberger February 1, 2000 "Colorado state senator John Andrews is proposing a law requiring public schools to have a moment of silence and to post the Ten Commandments. As the very model of a governmental, socialistic program, public schooling, with its compulsory-attendance laws and school taxes, is contrary to our heritage of liberty. It's ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Conservatives Should Repeal, Not Reform” by Jacob G. Hornberger February 1, 2000 "George W. Bush and John McCain are fighting over which one of them is the true conservative and the real reformer. But what does conservatism have to do with reform of socialistic government programs? I thought conservatives were devoted to 'free enterprise, private property, and limited government.' For example, ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Bush Misses Opportunities” by Jacob G. Hornberger February 1, 2000 "Embroiled in the Bob Jones University controversy, Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush could have turned lemons into lemonade. Bush could have explained that the hallmark of a free society is the right to engage in conduct that others disapprove of, as long as the conduct is peaceful. People have ...
The Re-igniting of Waco by James Bovard February 1, 2000 The return of Waco could herald the pending death of the final shreds of credibility of Janet Reno and federal law enforcement. Or it may turn out to be one more episode of Stepin Fetchit journalists racing to help cover up the worst misdeeds of the Clinton administration -- forever willing to accept whatever government's latest version of the ...
A New Deal for World Poverty by Jacob G. Hornberger February 1, 2000 UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan is calling for a global New Deal to combat poverty in poorer nations. His plan raises important issues affecting the economic well-being of people all over the world. Why are some nations wealthy and others poor? Are impoverished nations doomed to remain mired in poverty forever? ...
It’s Time to Put Public Education Behind Us by Richard M. Ebeling February 1, 2000 There is no better indication of the failure of and increasing disappointment with public education in the United States than the growth in the number of charter schools and homeschooled students. A new study released by the federal government reported that the number of charter schools in the 27 states in ...
Slavery Reexamined, Part 2 by Charles Adams February 1, 2000 Part 1 | Part 2 But the tax slavery vs. chattel slavery story is not over. The one place medieval serfdom did not take root was in Russia. Unlike the farmers in Europe, the small farmer in Russia during the Middle Ages was free, and he could travel about the ...