More Mideast Bills by Sheldon Richman July 1, 2000 Surveying the history of England in The Rights of Man , Thomas Paine noted that "a bystander, not blinded by prejudice nor warped by interest, would declare that taxes were not raised to carry on wars, but that wars were raised to carry on taxes." The United States government has followed faithfully in England's footsteps. But ...
Clinton’s Fair-Trade Fraud by James Bovard July 1, 2000 PRESIDENT CLINTON prides himself on calling for “free and fair trade” with foreigners every chance he gets. However, what is the Clinton administration’s idea of fair trade? Few things better illustrate the political corruption of the idea of fairness than the abuses of the U.S. anti-dumping laws. Clinton’s Commerce Department found pretexts to condemn foreigners for unfair trade in 98 ...
FDR — The Man, the Leader, the Legacy, Part 10 by Ralph Raico July 1, 2000 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Table of Contents When it comes to the question of money, mankind ...
Book Review: Trust on Trial by Richard M. Ebeling July 1, 2000 Trust on Trial: How the Microsoft Case Is Reframing the Rules of Competition by Richard B. McKenzie (Cambridge, Mass.: Perseus Publishing, 2000); 281 pages; $26. IN HIS 1942 BOOK, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, Joseph A. Schumpeter argued, “The fundamental impulse that set and keeps the capitalist engine in motion comes from the new consumers’ goods, the new methods of production or ...
Bush’s Social Security Sham by Sheldon Richman June 2, 2000 GOP presidential hopeful George W. Bush wants to let working people invest some of the money now taken by the Social Security payroll tax. The principle is sound. Money taken by the tax is not invested, but consumed. It pays benefits to current retirees, with anything left over going to pay the government's creditors. ...
The Rule of Terror by Jacob G. Hornberger June 1, 2000 THE HORRIFYING SEIZURE of Elián Gonzalez is one more reflection of the depths of depravity to which the U.S. government has plunged in our lifetime. The episode also reflects the extent to which all too many Americans continue to deny the reality that beneath the velvet glove of the benign welfare state lies the iron fist of a brutal, ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “$1 Billion to Columbia” by Jacob G. Hornberger June 1, 2000 "Amidst much fanfare, the U.S. government is committing more than $1 billion to the drug war in Colombia. Wow -- that should finally bring victory in the decades-long drug war! Why didn't somebody think of this before? But weren't we told the same thing several years ago when the goal was ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Abolish the INS” by Andy Falkof June 1, 2000 "Presidential candidate George W. Bush recently spoke at the League of United Latin American Citizens' 71st national convention, where he said, if elected, he would split the Immigration and Nationalization Service into two departments. This would somehow facilitate Bush's intention to "reform the INS to make it more welcoming to ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Fat Taxes” by Andy Falkof June 1, 2000 "Last week, the USDA and Department of Health and Human Services sponsored a National Nutrition Summit in Washington, DC to address the 'obesity epidemic' threatening our nation. These government departments and several powerful interest groups, such as the Center for Science in the Public Interest, discussed the merits of ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Immigration Laws Kill 58” by Andy Falkof June 1, 2000 "Yesterday morning, British customs officers stumbled upon a Dutch truck that contained the bodies of 58 Asian immigrants that tried to enter England illegally. Their deaths were probably due to suffocation from the over-heated, poorly ventilated cargo bay. British politicians from both the Labor and the Conservative parties have ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Microsoft Ordered Broken Up” by Jacob G. Hornberger June 1, 2000 "Federal Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson has issued his long-awaited judgment, ordering the breakup of Microsoft into two companies. Jackson wrote, "Microsoft as it is presently organized and led is unwilling to accept the notion that it broke the law or accede to an order amending its conduct. There is ...
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “North Korean Embargo Lifted” by Jacob G. Hornberger June 1, 2000 "President Clinton has unilaterally lifted a 50-year embargo on North Korea, permitting Americans to import goods from North Korea and export goods and send money there. Now, let me see if I have this correct. The reason that Americans have been unable to trade with a nation whose people have ...