Guns and Privacy by Scott McPherson January 1, 2003 Ask a member of the mainstream political Left whether he would be willing to have a camera installed in his house by the government with the explicit purpose of monitoring his activities for any potential wrongdoing. Like any self-respecting human being, he would very likely recoil in disgust against so blatant a violation of his privacy. Next, assure him that, ...
Socialism Lives in Public Schools by Thomas L. Johnson January 1, 2003 A piece entitled “Education is not just another product in the market economy,” by Bob Chase, president of the National Education Association, is one of the clearest expressions of socialism and collectivism that one could ever encounter. His article also contains both errors and omissions. He begins with a significant error. Chase claims that in the 19th century when people ...
Book Review: Misguided Virtue by Richard M. Ebeling January 1, 2003 Misguided Virtue: False Notions of Corporate Social Responsibility by David Henderson (London: Institute of Economic Affairs, 2002); 169 pages; $19.95. In spite of the end of Sovietstyle communism, the introduction of more market-oriented policies in many previously socialist societies, and the further integration of many of the world’s economic activities through the process of globalization, the ideology and policies of anti-capitalism ...
Should Government Run Churches … or Schools? by Scott McPherson December 27, 2002 What if government ran our churches? Imagine the spectacle. If the government were in charge of religion, there would be just one for everyone. No more competition between differing sects and denominations. No longer would there be diverse and numerous places of worship flourishing all over our cities and ...
The Real State of the Union by Scott McPherson December 27, 2002 In late January, President Bush will speak to the nation from the House of Representatives in his annual state of the Union address. By the tens of millions Americans will tune in to hear the president outline his legislative agenda for the coming year and congratulate himself on his past ...
Another Frankenstein’s Monster by Sheldon Richman December 27, 2002 When a nemesis such as Osama bin Laden speaks, one would expect his words to be of great interest. But this is apparently not the case. The latest audiotape of a voice purporting to be bin Laden’s prompted discussion principally of three issues: (1) Was it really him? (2) Why wasn’t it a videotape? (3) Where is he? There was ...
Multilateralist Cowards by Sheldon Richman December 27, 2002 The biggest bunch of cowards in the U.S. Congress are the multilateralists. These are the ones who say that the Bush administration should not escalate the 10-year-old war against Iraq without the support of the United Nations. What makes them cowards is not their skittishness about having the United States go it ...
Cancel Christmas, the Government Owns Your School by Scott McPherson December 27, 2002 The moral case for separating school and state was made long ago. Still, the role that government played in micro-managing the holiday season in Americas public schools this year proved yet again the wisdom of this cause. In the December 20 Washington Times, readers got to glimpse another of the fiascoes which make up our government-run education system. An increasing ...
Sic the IRS on Saddam by Jacob G. Hornberger December 23, 2002 President Bush made a grievous mistake by relying on a UN weapons report to go after Saddam Hussein. He should have instead required Saddam to file a federal income-tax return. It would have been a much more effective and less costly way to get rid of the man. Look at the ...
Iraq, Iran, and September 11: A Chronology by Jacob G. Hornberger December 19, 2002 1951 — Iranian people democratically elect Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh as Iranian premier. 1953 — U.S. government, operating through the CIA, ousts Mossadegh in favor of shah of Iran, Reza Pahlavi, a cruel and tyrannical dictator who, with U.S. government support, brutalizes his own people for the next 25 years. See:
When the Government Owns the Environment, Part 1 by Scott McPherson December 19, 2002 Part 1 | Part 2 Libertarians maintain that the best way to protect the environment is to keep as much of it in private hands as possible. Without fail, this position is ridiculed by “environmentalists” as utopian and impractical. What they propose instead is a regime of strict government control over wetlands, forestlands, and waterways to ensure that the ...
Don’t Look for Sense Where There Is None by Sheldon Richman December 18, 2002 Presidents, their cabinet officials, and their press secretaries show how much they respect the American people by how they use the English language. To be more precise, they indicate how much they disrespect the American people by how they abuse the language. All presidents lie. We know that. But when ...