Postconstitutional America by Sheldon Richman January 5, 2003 It’s a truism today that in this time of “war,” we must shift the balance between liberty and security, sacrificing some freedom in order to protect our society from assault. Leave aside that this ignores Benjamin Franklin’s famous statement about freedom and security. Funny how we blithely forget ...
In Other Words by Jacob G. Hornberger January 3, 2003 ... In other words, what I am telling you, my fellow Americans, is that the state of the Union is fine. And it will be made even better with our upcoming invasion of Iraq. Keep your mind focused ... on Saddam Hussein. Do not permit it to stray toward the thousands of Iraqi people, including ordinary Iraqi soldiers, whom we ...
Why Submit to Blackmail When Bribery Is Available? by Jacob G. Hornberger January 2, 2003 President Bush says he’s not going to submit to blackmail by North Korea, but apparently he has nothing against bribery because he’s now offering North Korea fuel, food, and an easing of U.S. sanctions in return for North Korea’s promise not to produce nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, the president and other members of the federal government, including ...
Kissinger is the Wrong Man by Sheldon Richman January 2, 2003 Henry Kissinger personifies all that is wrong with government in America, particularly the making of foreign policy. So it is no surprise that President Bush wanted him to chair the commission looking into the monumental U.S. intelligence failures that gave us 9/11. We can be grateful that Kissinger has resigned even before he got started. Throughout ...
Economic Liberty and the Constitution, Part 8 by Jacob G. Hornberger January 1, 2003 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Table of Contents The tremendous legal battle between the advocates of economic ...
Open the Doors by Jim Rogers January 1, 2003 It seems like every time I open a newspaper or watch the news these days there's another story about a boat load of Haitians caught trying to make their way into the U.S. or the tale of a rail car full of Mexicans dying as they cross the border. Getting into ...
A New Year: A Time for Hope and Determination by Jacob G. Hornberger January 1, 2003 Happy New Year from FFF! As we enter this New Year, it is easy to surrender to thoughts of despair and despondency, given the prospect of perpetual war, perpetual terrorism against Americans, and perpetual governmental infringements on the civil liberties of the people. We need to resist that temptation. Regardless of what happens in the near future, the course on which our ...
In Pursuit of Sustainable Development: Political Planning versus the Free Market by Richard M. Ebeling January 1, 2003 From August 26 to September 4, 2002, the United Nations sponsored a World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa. More than 100 heads of state and 60,000 delegates worked on an agenda for improving the health and well-being of tens of millions of people living in poverty around the ...
Morality Requires Choice by Scott McPherson January 1, 2003 Welfare-state advocates like to pass moral judgments on those of us who oppose their leftist ideals of socialism, redistribution, and “economic justice.” Allegedly, we lack “compassion” and “sensitivity” and are “selfish” and “mean-spirited.” Therefore we are promoting a society without reference to basic moral principles — ...
Arrogance Is Humility by Sheldon Richman January 1, 2003 Taking a step back from all the particulars, the real lesson of September 11 is that for more than 50 years, the U.S. government has put the American people in harm’s way by its heavy-handed intervention in the bitter disputes throughout the Middle East. Then, despite the hundreds of billions of dollars spent each year on “national security” and ...
Foreign Dissent on Bush’s Imperial Ambitions by James Bovard January 1, 2003 The Bush administration was outraged this past summer when German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder starkly declared that he would not support Bush’s war with Iraq. The resulting transatlantic brouhaha provides insights into political developments and delusions in both the United States and Germany. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld huffed that the German campaign had been “unhelpful” ...
Hawks and the Free Market by Bart Frazier January 1, 2003 Rosalie Barrow Edge should be considered a hero to libertarians and conservationists alike. In 1933, she founded Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Kempton, Pennsylvania. At a time in our country's history when the economy was a shambles and socialism was hip, Edge managed to establish the first refuge for hawks in the world without the aid of government. In the 1920s ...