War as a Media Subsidy by Scott McPherson March 31, 2003 One can’t help but be amused by the way television news programs become practically weak at the knees when war looms. The prospect of reporting on a major armed conflict is met with almost universal applause by our friends in the entertainment, oops, the news industry — and it’s ...
Obedience to Orders, Part 1 by Jacob G. Hornberger March 29, 2003 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Reader Responses | Jacob Hornberger vs. the Brass | Jacob Hornberger’s VMI Valedictory Addresss I couldn’t help but be struck by the photograph in the mainstream press last week in which an Iraqi soldier who had been taken captive was resting in the arms of two American GIs. The prisoner ...
Operation Iraqi Welfare by Jacob G. Hornberger March 28, 2003 President Bush’s most recent raison du jour, I mean reason of the day (sorry!), for invading Iraq is to “liberate” the Iraqi people. That’s why the Pentagon ultimately decided to name the invasion “Operation Iraqi Freedom.” The terminology perfectly encapsulates how far we have strayed from the true ...
“Immigration Dictatorship”? Logical Flaws and Etymological Faux Pas by Scott McPherson March 28, 2003 In “Socialism and Immigration,” I compared the anti-immigrant forces of today with the anti-free-trade forces of 19th-century France, as related by the great libertarian Frédéric Bastiat in his essay, “Metaphors.” Their motive is to get people to associate certain scary terms with a target group and let ...
When the Government Owns the Environment, Part 2 by Scott McPherson March 26, 2003 Part 1 | Part 2 On December 19, 2002, I wrote about the Army Corps of Engineers’ practice of dumping toxic sludge into the Potomac River, in violation of the Endangered Species and Clean Water Act. I pointed out that this practice had been going on for decades before the Environmental Protection Agency decided to review the terms ...
Freedom Is the Answer for Us, Too by Scott McPherson March 19, 2003 “ systems are the ones that are producing the most for their people and dictatorships and despotism don’t,” said Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, commenting on the economic plight of North Korea under communist rule. Echoing this sentiment two days later, Michael O’Hanlon, senior fellow at the left-wing ...
Response from Bill Frist by U.S. Senator Bill Frist March 19, 2003 This letter from Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is in response to Howard Baetjer’s open letter of March 17. Thank you for sharing your open letter with me. For reasons of timing and policy, I cannot in good conscience agree to follow the course you propose in your letter. Your ...
Howard Baetjer’s Rejoinder by Howard Baetjer Jr. March 19, 2003 This is Howard Baetjer’s rejoinder to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist’s response to his open letter of March 17. Bill, Thanks for your response. I’m surprised and gratified to receive a response. I had underestimated you. You take five paragraphs to establish the legality of Congress’s abdication of its Article I ...
Breaking Iraqi Windows Won’t Help the Economy by Sheldon Richman March 19, 2003 The record-shattering bombardment of Iraq hasn’t begun yet, but that doesn’t mean it’s too soon to think about which American companies will get contracts to rebuild the soon-to-be devastated Arab country. According to the Washington Post, the Bush administration is “preparing what would constitute the most ambitious U.S. ...
An Open Letter to Bill Frist by Howard Baetjer Jr. March 17, 2003 Dear Bill: Working the only way I know for sanity and prudence against the president’s mad rush to war, I offer a complaint and a suggestion to you, both as a Princeton classmate and as U.S. Senate Majority Leader. Background: The framers of the Constitution sought to deny the power to declare war ...
War Logic by Scott McPherson March 17, 2003 The rhetorical case favoring an invasion of Iraq has gone on for so long that no one is really thinking about the reasons any more. We’ve moved on to more important things, like when the tanks will start rolling. Though it might be far too late, it couldn’t hurt to do ...
Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Saddam? by Jacob G. Hornberger March 17, 2003 I have a confession to make: I’m not afraid of Saddam Hussein. Not a bit. I have absolutely no fear that the man is going to come and get me or that he is going to spray biological or chemical weapons on me or that he will send someone to do the ...