We Want to Free You . . . but Just Dont Come Here by Jacob G. Hornberger April 18, 2003 Amidst all the U.S. government outrage over Fidel Castro's tyrannical treatment of Cuban citizens, U.S. officials unfortunately remain steadfastly committed to working with Castro to forcibly repatriate Cuban refugees back into Castro's communist tyranny. For that matter, how many U.S. officials who are now claiming to have had a longtime, heartfelt urge to free the ...
The Moral Cost of Liberating Iraq by Jacob G. Hornberger April 16, 2003 During the three weeks of the war on Iraq, Americans seemed to have been discomforted by accounts of Iraqis killed or injured, including both enemy soldiers and civilians. Perhaps that’s why the U.S. television networks, which provided around-the-clock coverage, scrupulously avoided exposing viewers to those gruesome scenes. ...
If Iraq Really Adopts Freedom, Should We Move There? by Jacob G. Hornberger April 11, 2003 Model Amendments to the Iraqi Constitution of 2003 Whereas, the U.S. government has waged war on our land in which it has sacrificed the lives of dozens of its soldiers and those of thousands of the Iraqi people; and Whereas, the purpose of the war was to free the Iraqi people from ...
The Costs of War and Some Who Benefit by Richard M. Ebeling April 11, 2003 War is never profitable for either the victor or the vanquished nation. It imposes various costs on the people of the combatant nations. First, and most obvious, war costs some of them their lives and leaves others permanently crippled and incapacitated. They are the victims on both sides whose ...
How to Free the Iraqis by Sheldon Richman April 11, 2003 In terms of the sheer image, no freedom lover could help but be moved by the scenes of Iraqis stomping on the fallen statue of the vicious dictator Saddam Hussein. Whether or not one thinks the U.S. government should have invaded Iraq (I believe it was an unconstitutional action), ...
Does the End Justify the Means? by Bart Frazier April 11, 2003 When I saw Iraqis in Baghdad celebrating the downfall of Saddam Hussein’s dictatorial regime, I could not help but jump for joy along with them. Only a heartless soul could watch the statue of Saddam Hussein come down in the middle of Baghdad and not be moved by the jubilant crowd ...
What If Democracy “Fails”? by Scott McPherson April 11, 2003 Since the “justification” for war in Iraq noticeably shifted from ridding Saddam Hussein’s regime of its alleged cache of weapons of mass destruction, to liberating the Iraqis from an evil dictator and bringing democracy to a subjugated country, a hypothetical question arises: What if democracy “fails”? For months U.S. government ...
The Second Casualty of War by Sheldon Richman April 7, 2003 President Bush has asked Congress for about $75 billion to begin paying for the war in Iraq and other costs related to it and the war on terrorism. (Some of the money will also pay for U.S. intervention in Colombia’s civil war.) Boy, is he living in a dream ...
Obedience to Orders, Part 3: A Response to Paul Maini, VMI Alumni Association by Jacob G. Hornberger April 7, 2003 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Reader Responses | Jacob Hornberger vs. the Brass | Jacob Hornberger’s VMI Valedictory Addresss To: Mr. Paul Maini Executive Vice President VMI Alumni Association pmaini@vmiaa.org Dear Mr. Maini: My associates here at The Future of Freedom Foundation have been sent a copy of your critical email to ...
Hornberger v. The Brass by Jacob G. Hornberger April 3, 2003 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Reader Responses | Jacob Hornberger vs. the Brass | Jacob Hornberger’s VMI Valedictory Addresss From Colonel #1 (Pentagon) to Hornberger: Sorry, but I don't find your Part 2 article or your note below convincing or acceptable. You didn't limit your comments to the treatment of POW's, ...
The West Point Firestorm by Jacob G. Hornberger April 2, 2003 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Reader Responses | Jacob Hornberger vs. the Brass | Jacob Hornberger’s VMI Valedictory Addresss The following emails are responses to Jacob Hornberger’s series "Obedience to Orders." Also see "Hornberger vs. the Brass." ##### I can’t tell you how inspiring your essays – which target the bovine instinct that ...
Unnecessary Tragedy by Sheldon Richman April 2, 2003 The U.S. military’s killing of at least seven Iraqi civilians — including five little children — at a U.S. checkpoint on Route 9 south of Karbala certainly isn’t going to help win the hearts and minds of the people of that war-torn country. Whose fault was it? To answer that question, ...