The Ten Planks of the “Freedom” Manifesto by Jacob G. Hornberger June 13, 2003 Now, tell me if I have this right: It doesn’t really matter whether President Bush and his associates lied about Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction” or exaggerated the danger — even though the reason that most Americans supported the war was the threat of imminent attack from such weapons — ...
Our Lives and Liberty Turn on Moussaoui by Jacob G. Hornberger June 11, 2003 There is little difficulty, and there is often very little gain, in declaring the existence of a right to personal freedom. The true difficulty is to secure its enforcement. The Habeas Corpus Acts have achieved this end, and have done for the liberty of Englishmen more than could have been achieved by any declaration of ...
Conservative Conundrum by Sheldon Richman June 9, 2003 Conservatives become more inscrutable every day. They spend half their time praising the federal government for its miracles in Iraq (and, if they get their way, in Iran) and the other half of their time ridiculing the Democrats for thinking that the same federal government can provide medical ...
Security and the Right to Liberty by Jacob G. Hornberger June 9, 2003 As everyone knows, the federal government has seized upon the September 11 terrorist attacks to expand its power to harass and spy on both immigrants and American citizens. “We must give up some liberty to protect our security,” government supporters often cry in an attempt to justify the federal expansion of power over our lives. Must ...
Insider-Trading Prohibitions Should Go out of Style by Don Boudreaux June 6, 2003 One of the most essential distinctions made in Anglo-American law is between acts that are malum in se and acts that are malum prohibitum. According to the law dictionary at, an act that is malum in se is “wrong in itself, in its very nature being ...
“There Was a Report of Guns and Drugs” by Scott McPherson June 6, 2003 On May 16 New York City police officers dressed in riot gear broke down a woman’s door and exploded a concussion grenade in her Harlem home. The woman, 57-year-old Alberta Spruill, was unarmed. She died a few hours later of a heart attack. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and ...
Worrisome Wording by Don Boudreaux June 4, 2003 Whose brainchild is “Click It or Ticket”? I wish I knew; I’d send him a dozen black roses. Whenever I drive past a highway sign heralding this admonition, I’m tempted to unbuckle my seatbelt in protest against being governed by people whose artlessness is exceeded only by their arrogance. ...
Wartime Confessions of a Talk-Radio Heretic by Charles Goyette June 4, 2003 This speech was given before the Phoenix Economics Group in Phoenix, Arizona on March 19, 2003. I left my radio studio this evening to be here just as President Bush’s ultimatum to Saddam Hussein expired. The ...
Cuban Military Tribunals Reflect Contempt for Our Constitution by Jacob G. Hornberger June 2, 2003 The federal government has announced that it intends to go forward with military tribunals for trials of suspected terrorists. The trials will not be held in the United States, however, but instead in Cuba, where military tribunals are also a central part of Fidel Castro’s “war on terrorism.” In fact, ...
The Rot at the Center of the Empire by Jacob G. Hornberger June 1, 2003 The announcement that the U.S. government had relied on fake and false evidence in the attempt to secure approval of its invasion of Iraq was, by and large, met by a collective yawn from the American people, especially the members of Congress. Its just one more example of the depths of moral depravity to which our nation has fallen. Think ...
War and the Bankruptcy of the Bush Administration by Richard M. Ebeling June 1, 2003 The war on terrorism and the war on Iraq have become the defining characteristics of the Bush administration and the Republican Party in general. Indeed, without the current war hysteria, President Bush and the Republicans have nothing to stand for and run on in next year’s congressional and presidential elections. Think back to August 2001, just a few weeks before ...
Recent Articles on Military Tribunals and the Padilla, Hamdi, and Moussaoui Cases by Future of Freedom Foundation June 1, 2003 The following articles have been linked in FFF's Email Update: Crossing the Rubicon by Jacob G. Hornberger Future of Freedom Foundation Unjust, Unwise, UnAmerican Editorial Economist Rules ...