The Fraud of Insider-Trading Law, Part 1 by Sheldon Richman September 1, 2003 Part 1 | Part 2 This article was originally intended as a discussion of the Martha Stewart case. But instead it will be a discussion of insider trading. Many people think those are one and the same issue. But that is incorrect. After more than a year of associating Martha Stewart with insider trading, the U.S. Justice Department declined to ...
Let the Chips Fall by Scott McPherson September 1, 2003 According to the August 11 Washington Times, in a story titled “How visa program robs U.S. technology workers of their jobs,” American computer programmers are finding it harder and harder to stay employed because of the “unintended consequences of the nation’s non-immigrant visa program — particularly the L-1 ...
Bush’s WMD Flimflams by James Bovard September 1, 2003 The Bush administration’s rush to war against Iraq was justified largely by the danger that Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction supposedly posed to the United States and to U.S. allies. In his January 28, 2003, state of the Union address, Bush denounced Saddam as “the dictator who is assembling the world’s ...
The Abolitionist Adventure, Part 3 by Wendy McElroy September 1, 2003 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 National attention soon focused on whether Kansas would enter the Union as a free or slave state — a matter that affected the balance of power in the Senate. The immense Kansas-Nebraska territory had been formerly closed to slavery under the Missouri Compromise. But the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 — ...
The Deerslayer, the Bootmaker, and the Violin Player, Part 1 by Scott McPherson September 1, 2003 Part 1 | Part 2 Once there lived a man called “The Deerslayer.” The Deerslayer lived in the plush green valley of a rugged mountain range and survived through his cunning and skillful use of a rifle to hunt game. His mountain valley home was far to the north; he saw only a few short months of warm weather ...
Letter to the Editor of WorldNetDaily by Sheldon Richman September 1, 2003 This letter to the editor was originally published on August 25, 2003. To the editor: Ilana Mercers recent column, in which she maliciously persists in trying to link me with the Institute for Historical Review, states, I am presuming that his own publication in the Journal of Historical Review, Volume 18, No. ...
Book Review: Gulag by Richard M. Ebeling September 1, 2003 Gulag: A History by Anne Applebaum (New York: Doubleday, 2003); 677 pages; $35. Siberia. The word has had a chilling connotation for people around the world for 200 years. Long before Lenin and the Bolsheviks came to power in 1917, the tsarist regime had used the vast area that stretches from the Ural Mountains to the Pacific and Arctic Oceans as ...
Shame on WorldNetDaily by Jacob G. Hornberger August 25, 2003 Several days ago, WorldNetDaily, a conservative website, published an article entitled “Libertarians Who Loathe Israel,” by Ilana Mercer (email), a self-described libertarian who is a WND columnist. In her article, Mercer wrote in part, I understand that libertarians like Sheldon Richman (and the Holocaust-denying Institute for Historical ...
Foreign Policy for Tyros by Jacob G. Hornberger August 22, 2003 The Declaration of Independence In 1775 at Concord and Lexington, a small group of British citizens living in America took up arms against their own government, starting the American Revolution. Other British citizens chose to support their government and its troops during the crisis. Did You Know?Did you know that the British Empire ruled ...
Congressional Complicity in WMD Duplicity by Jacob G. Hornberger August 22, 2003 Why has Congress been relatively quiet on the executive branch’s deception about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction? The answer is easy: By abrogating its constitutional responsibility regarding its constitutional power to declare war, Congress made itself a silent partner in the president’s wrongdoing. Keep in mind that our system of government is different from others ...
Central Planning of Electricity Must Fail by Sheldon Richman August 20, 2003 Central economic planning was discredited in the old Soviet Union and every other country that attempted it. What the great economist Ludwig von Mises showed in theory in the 1920s was then demonstrated in practice in subsequent decades: central economic planning is impossible. Most people will agree when the ...
Defending Immigration Socialism by Jacob G. Hornberger August 15, 2003 Given that conservatives threw in the towel on opposing socialism and central planning decades ago, it’s not surprising that they rarely raise moral arguments any more in their “free-market” articles. It’s even more disappointing, however, when libertarians fail to mention moral arguments, even while defending socialist positions. A ...