The Pentagon’s Plunge into Barbarism by Jacob G. Hornberger May 28, 2004 A British citizen, Jamal Harith, who was held in Cuba for two years without trial by Pentagon officials, is alleging that U.S. troops committed the same kinds of abuse in Cuba that they committed in Iraq — severe beatings, forced injections, sleep deprivation, shackling in painful positions, and sexual ...
A Tale of Two Free Countries by Anthony Gregory May 28, 2004 It isn’t the best of times, but hey, at least it isn’t the worst. That’s the way the warhawks are defending the torture in Abu Ghraib prison and the disaster of Operation Iraqi Freedom. ...
Spreading the Word by Bart Frazier May 28, 2004 To: Friends and Supporters of The Future of Freedom Foundation From: Bart Frazier, program director Date: May 28, 2004 Subject: FFF Op-Ed Program Most of you associate FFF with our Email Update. Every day you get the best news culled from the internet addressing issues ...
Lessons about Our Constitution from Abu Ghraib by Jacob G. Hornberger May 26, 2004 Those who think that the U.S. Constitution is an antiquated document with no relevance to modern times might want to consider how federal officials would operate in the absence of constitutional restraints. The best evidence for such a thought experiment exists in Iraq, where U.S. officials have had ...
The Bright Side of War by Sheldon Richman May 24, 2004 In case you didn’t realize it, there’s a bright side to the death, destruction, and prisoner abuse going on in Iraq and Afghanistan: they’re good for the American economy. War creates jobs. At least that’s what lots of people think. The Washington Post recently helped to spread that impression ...
Separating School & State – W(h)ither Public Schools? by Sheldon Richman May 19, 2004 The following is the first chapter from The Future of Freedom Foundation’s most popular book, Separating School & State by Sheldon Richman. Now celebrating its tenth anniversary, Separating School & State has become one of the most popular books in home-schooling and libertarian circles. Purchase this book. Chapter 1 - ...
A Visit to the National Constitution Center by James Castagnera May 14, 2004 A colleague of mine — the chairman of Rider University’s American Studies Department — brought his wife and two young boys down from Manhattan to Philly for the weekend. And so I finally got around to visiting the year-old, multi-million-dollar, multi-media National Constitution Center. This sprawling museum of ...
The Bush Administration’s Appalling Ineptness by Sheldon Richman May 14, 2004 The ineptness of the Bush administration in the so-called war on terror is something to behold. One would not have expected the seasoned politicians and bureaucrats around President Bush to be so bumbling and tone-deaf. That they are both offers a valuable lesson: so-called experts are often worth less than any nonexpert with common sense. The ...
The Senate Needs to Get to the Point about Abu Ghraib by Jacob G. Hornberger May 12, 2004 It’s nice that the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee has summoned the secretary and undersecretary of Defense and a string of generals to testify about policies and procedures established by the Pentagon for the proper treatment of prisoners and detainees. But while that’s important, it’s not as ...
It Was About “Regime Change” from the Get-Go by Jacob G. Hornberger May 7, 2004 Spain has now completed the withdrawal of Spanish troops from Iraq. Other countries that are following suit include the Dominican Republic and Honduras; El Salvador and Poland are contemplating doing the same. Unlike the United States, which is determined to continue its indefinite occupation of Iraq, it is ...
No Draft — Ever! by Sheldon Richman May 5, 2004 Iraq has become a bottomless pit for American blood and treasure. (To the Bush administration, Iraqi casualties seem unworthy of counting.) Congress will provide the treasure, compliments of the taxpayers. But who will provide the blood? At the moment, there are not enough men and women under arms. ...
Marry and Let Marry by Sheldon Richman May 3, 2004 President George W. Bush has amply demonstrated that he is a stranger to the U.S. Constitution. He’s meddled in education, about which the Constitution has not one word. He aspires to give taxpayers’ money to religious groups doing social work, despite the First Amendment’s barrier to state entanglement with ...