In Warsaw, a Good War Wasn’t by Anne Applebaum September 1, 2004 The veterans have left town. The flags have been packed away for the Fourth of July. The memory of the Second World War, our Second World War, has been honored so now perhaps its worth taking a moment to honor someone elses. An opportunity to do so will present itself this Sunday, when CNN broadcasts an unusual documentary called ...
Cynical Presidential Candidates by Sheldon Richman August 27, 2004 There is a simple reason why so many people despise politics. They can see that it is little more than a despicable grab for power and that most candidates will say anything, avoid saying anything, and “reinterpret” their own previous words to be elected. The current presidential campaign already ...
Military Whitewashes and Cover Ups by Future of Freedom Foundation August 27, 2004 Holding the Pentagon Accountable: For Abu Ghraib Editorial New York Times Closer to the Truth Editorial Washington Post Pentagon Doesn't Get It: Buck Stops Higher Up
The Bush Betrayal by James Bovard August 27, 2004 As we defend liberty and justice abroad, we must always honor those values here at home. George W. Bush, October 28, 2003 George W. Bush came to the presidency promising prosperity, peace, and humility. Instead, Bush has spawned record federal budget deficits, launched an unnecessary war, and made America the most hated nation in the world. Bush ...
Thank Government for the Mess We’re in by Sheldon Richman August 23, 2004 The first presidential election in the post–9/11 era has people thinking hitherto unthinkable thoughts: Should the election be postponed if a terrorist attack occurs before election day? What if there is an attack on election day? What happens if an attack takes the lives of the winner of the ...
Kerry’s Energy Socialism by Sheldon Richman August 18, 2004 If the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates were forbidden to offer proposals based on collectivist economic thinking, they would have to keep mum the entire campaign. We are in for three months of unrelenting nonsense from President George W. Bush and Sen. John F. Kerry. That ...
An Unintended Consequence of Gun Control by Benedict D. LaRosa August 16, 2004 Gun control laws, like all ill-advised measures, have unintended, often unfortunate, consequences. This is especially true in the post–9/11 environment. Recently, Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge upgraded the nation’s alert status because of credible intelligence that several financial buildings in New York City; ...
Criminal versus Civil Remedies for Intentional Wrongs by Wendy McElroy August 13, 2004 On October 3, 1995, O.J. Simpson was found not guilty of murder by a jury in criminal court. On February 4, 1997, a civil jury found him liable for the death of Ronald Goldman and awarded $8.5 million in compensatory damages to Goldman’s family. For many people, the Simpson ...
Saddam, Chalabi, and Allawi Epitomize U.S. Foreign Policy by Jacob G. Hornberger August 11, 2004 It would be difficult to find a better example of the moral bankruptcy and hypocrisy of U.S. foreign policy — and why it has stirred so much anger, hatred, and terrorism against the United States — than the relationship of U.S. officials with Saddam Hussein, Ahmad Chalabi, and Iyad ...
A Divisive Campaign Would Be Welcome by Sheldon Richman August 9, 2004 That was cute when Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry started his acceptance speech by snapping a salute and saying he was “reporting for duty.” Cute, but not quite truthful. If he becomes president, we will be expected to carry out his commands. It’s only in democratic folklore that government ...
Targeting Civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki by Anthony Gregory August 6, 2004 The U.S. government has killed civilians for well over a century. During the Civil War, General William Tecumseh Sherman waged war on civilians in Atlanta. During the Philippine Insurrection at the turn of 20th century, U.S. forces killed about ...
Mr. Bush, Are You There? by Sheldon Richman August 4, 2004 If President Bush is trying to convince us that he hasn’t the slightest understanding of the Middle East, then he’s doing an outstanding job. Every statement he makes — and this goes for his secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, too — is soaked in ignorance. Any American who is paying attention should be ...