Speaker Spotlight: Daniel Ellsberg and Joseph Margulies by Jacob G. Hornberger March 23, 2007 Previous Conference Updates: Speaker Spotlight: Ivand Eland and Tom DiLorenzo Student Scholarships and Speakers Robert Scheer and Richard Ebeling Student Scholarships and Speakers Justin Raimondo and Karen Kwiatkowski Conference 2007 Speaker Spotlight: Lew Rockwell and Bob Higgs Conference 2007 Speaker Spotlight: Jim Bovard and Ralph Raico FFF Conference: Restoring the Repubic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties First of all, we ...
Shssh! Don’t Tell Americans How We Treat “Enemy Combatants” by Jacob G. Hornberger March 21, 2007 The case of accused terrorist Jose Padilla is moving toward a jury trial on April 16 in U.S. District Court in Miami. It is still unclear whether the presiding judge in the case, Marcia Cooke, will order an evidentiary hearing on Padilla’s motion to dismiss the charges based on the government’s outrageous pre-trial conduct while ...
War, Civil Liberties, and Libertarianism by Anthony Gregory March 16, 2007 For more than 12 years, since I was a high-school freshman, I have counted the champions of freedom as my greatest heroes. I have long admired those who, throughout history as well in the present, have spoken truth to power and stood up against tyranny, especially when it mattered most, and especially when it was ...
The Islamo-Fascist Rationale for Abandoning Liberty by Jacob G. Hornberger March 16, 2007 Also see: “The Critical Dilemma Facing Pro-War Libertarians” “The Pentagon's Power to Arrest, Torture, and Execute Americans” “It Can't Happen Here” In my three articles “The Critical Dilemma Facing Pro-War Libertarians,” “The Pentagon’s Power to Arrest, Torture, and Execute Americans,” and “‘It Can’t Happen Here,’” I showed how ...
Bush and Chavez: A Marriage Made in Hell by Sheldon Richman March 12, 2007 If President Bush didn’t exist, Hugo Chavez would have to invent him. Chavez, of course, is the dictator-president of Venezuela who in recent months has taken steps to centralize control of the country’s economy. His accumulation of power is based on the need to resist U.S. hegemony. Some people think that his ...
Leave Americans in Mexico Be by Jacob G. Hornberger March 11, 2007 There is a big immigration problem that has been growing year after year. An increasing number of American citizens are moving to Mexico, and some of them are even becoming undocumented workers. Even worse, they are refusing to assimilate and are even insisting on retaining their U.S. citizenship. Six years ago, ...
Speaker Spotlight: Ivan Eland and Tom DiLorenzo by Jacob G. Hornberger March 9, 2007 Another quick speaker spotlight for our big June 1-4 conference Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties in Reston, Virginia. Two of our Saturday speakers at the conference will be Ivan Eland and Tom DiLorenzo. Ivan is senior fellow and director of the Center on Peace and Liberty at the Independent Institute, which has taken a leading role in the ...
“It Can’t Happen Here” by Jacob G. Hornberger March 7, 2007 Also see: “The Critical Dilemma Facing Pro-War Libertarians” “The Pentagon's Power to Arrest, Torture, and Execute Americans” “The Islamo-Fascist Rationale for Abandoning Liberty” In my article “The Pentagon’s Power to Arrest, Torture, and Execute Americans,” I explained that the post–9/11 power to designate Americans as “enemy ...
The Horror – Discriminatory Advertising on the Internet! by George Leef March 5, 2007 Nothing has ever made it so easy for buyers and sellers to get together and engage in trade as the Internet. It reduces transaction costs immensely because they can find each other so readily. And if one seller doesn’t have what a buyer wants, all that has been lost is the ...
Mr. President, the CIA Is Already Talking to Syria by Jacob G. Hornberger March 2, 2007 President Bush has decided that the U.S. government is now going to talk to Syria. The reason the president has steadfastly refused to talk to Syria before now is that Syria, he has repeatedly emphasized, is a state sponsor of terrorism. There is one part of all this, however, that is quite befuddling: The U.S. government ...
Why Germans Supported Hitler, Part 1 by Jacob G. Hornberger March 1, 2007 Part 1 | Part 2 It has long intrigued me why the German people supported Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime. After all, every schoolchild in America is taught that Hitler and his Nazi cohorts were the very epitome of evil. How could ordinary German citizens support people who were so obviously monstrous in nature? Standing against the Nazi ...
The Flimflam of Income-Tax Denial by Sheldon Richman March 1, 2007 My recent three-part series in Freedom Daily, “Beware Income-Tax Casuistry” (August–October 2006), provoked some vigorous objection. Unsurprisingly, members of what is known as the tax-protester movement, but which should be called the tax-denial movement, took issue with every aspect of the articles — and more. The movement doesn’t merely object to the income tax on moral, or natural-rights, ...