The Lesson of Virginia Tech by Sheldon Richman April 25, 2007 The lesson from the horrors at Virginia Tech is that no one can really, fully delegate to another his right to and responsibility for self-defense. You may feel the municipal or campus police are looking out for you, but no police force can guarantee to be where you need it when ...
The Real Tragedy of Waco by Glenn Jacobs April 23, 2007 April 19 marked the 14-year anniversary of the BATF-FBI massacre of the Branch Davidians at Waco, Texas. Some might say that the use of the word “massacre” is harsh, instead opting to call it a “tragedy.” After close examination of the events of April ...
Leading CEO to Speak at FFF Conference by Jacob G. Hornberger April 23, 2007 Note: Please forward this page to your friends. Richard Vague, one of the nations leading CEOs, has been added to the roster of speakers at The Future of Freedom Foundations upcoming conference "Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties." Mr. Vague joins 23 other outstanding libertarian, liberal, and conservative speakers who will address these two critical issues during our ...
Speaker Spotlight: Laurence Vance and Ted Galen Carpenter by Jacob G. Hornberger April 20, 2007 This week were spotlighting Laurence Vance and Ted Galen Carpenter, both of whom are among the 24 speakers at our June 1-4 conference Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties at the Hyatt Regency Reston in Reston, Virginia. If there was ever a person who reflected the genuine patriotism ...
What’s to Lose? by Sheldon Richman April 20, 2007 The other day President Bush charged the congressional Democrats with wanting to “legislate defeat” in Iraq. It’s a standard political ploy to smear one’s opponents, but maybe we should follow this line of thought (if that’s not too dignified a word) and see where it leads. What would an American defeat ...
Once Again, Gun Control Doesn’t Work by Jacob G. Hornberger April 18, 2007 To belabor the obvious, murderers do not obey restrictions on gun possession, contrary to the long-repeated suggestion of the gun-control crowd — that if we simply enact such restrictions into law, murderers will comply with them. As we once again see in the context of the Virginia Tech massacre, ...
Imus’s Free-Speech Rights Were Not Violated by Jacob G. Hornberger April 16, 2007 Contrary to what some people are suggesting, the firing of Don Imus for his racist comments about the Rutgers University women’s basketball team did not constitute censorship and it did not violate Imus’s freedom of speech. Instead, the controversy revolved around the principles of private property, freedom of contract, and the ...
Discounted Hotel Rooms Almost Gone by Jacob G. Hornberger April 13, 2007 We are almost out of discounted hotel rooms for our June 1-4 conference Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties. If you plan to stay at the Hyatt Regency Reston, where the conference is being held, now is the time to register for the conference and to make your hotel ...
Preventing Opposition to War by Sheldon Richman April 13, 2007 The idea, discussed by me and others, that it is good that most Americans are not directly touched by the President Bush’s wars is of course not the whole story. Our rulers could have forced us to be more involved. They could have passed a special war tax, launched a high-profile “Buy ...
Gilchrist, O’Reilly, and the Cowardice Factor by Jacob G. Hornberger April 9, 2007 A debate on immigration controls vs. open borders was recently scheduled to take place at Pomona College in California. On one side of the debate was a man named Jim Gilchrist, a conservative who founded the “Minuteman Project,” an organization devoted to helping the U.S. Border Patrol arrest, punish, ...
Speaker Spotlight: Joseph Stromberg and Anthony Gregory by Jacob G. Hornberger April 6, 2007 This weeks speaker spotlight for our June 1-4 conference Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties at the Hyatt Regency Reston in Reston, Virginia, highlights Joseph Stromberg and Anthony Gregory, both of whom are speaking on Sunday. There are few people in the libertarian movement who understand the case for a libertarian foreign policy better than Joe Stromberg. I ...
Our Patience on Iraq Should Be Exhausted by Sheldon Richman April 4, 2007 President Bush started the fifth year of his war in Iraq by pleading with the American people for patience. Give the escalation (“surge”) a chance to work, he said. He sees signs of success already, but the Democrats in Congress are showing their impatience, with the House attaching a 2008 withdrawal ...